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Monday, December 28, 2015

WebQuest - Web-Based Learning Activity

WebQuests are activities, using Internet resources, which encourage students to use higher order thinking skills to solve a real messy problem. WebQuests are a sub-set of Problem-Based Learning (PBL). WebQuest is one of Web-Based learning activity that developed by Bernie Dodge, a professor of educational technology at San Diego State University. WebQuest devide into 6 parts, They are:

In this first part, Introduction is giving a description to draws the learners attention to the topic and inspires them into action. It should contain a hook.

second part, Task purpose to set up the goal.  This part become the most important aspect of the WebQuest. There is often a Focus Question that defines the task. The task needs to be based on Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and contain a messy problem to solve.

Third part, Most of resources are taken from internet, so it looks like only the url of the resources.

Forth part is Process. This part is A description of the process the learners should go through in solving the messy problem. The process is broken up into clearly described steps and may designate roles or perspectives to the learners. Giving students roles helps them use their emotional intelligence and demonstrates how different people have different views within the community.

Fifth part is evaluation which is An evaluation is the guidelines for how students will be assessed. It is usually in a Rubric. Evaluation rubrics come in many forms and rubrics designed by the teacher are the most authentic.

in the last part, Conclusion brings closure to the quest, addresses the answering of the Focus Question, and should challenge the learner to act upon what they have achieved within their local environment.

To sum up my Webquest task, I create simple power point presentation as below:

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Teaching English by Using Comic

In teaching English, we aren't enough using coursebook as a media of learning, especially for young learner. We have to adapt another media that it encourages learners or students to involve in language learning. An interesting, colorful and educational media probably need by teacher in teaching language. Let's imagine if the teachers always use coursebook everytime. As soon as, we make students feel to be bored because they don't have high motivation to learn. It's time to use another media that can make them learning naturally and suit with students' need. One of media probably encourage learners or students to learn by using comic.

In modern era, technology helps people to make them easy and comfortable to create something, especially authoring comic. There are many web-based comic creator available on internet. This media is going to be brilliant way to be interesting media in teaching English. Here some links that allow you to create your own comic.
- makebeliefscomix
- Garfield

There are many Web-based comic creators are available on internet that you can use for improving your teaching English for your students. Here it's an example of own creation in creating comic using bitstrip.

Abu nawas and the King Aaron

or you can read the story directly on

here another comics that I created with my friends

Group Work in Aina's House

or you can also read the story directly on
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An introduction to Netiquette

When we learn something new on internet, we'll find new information that sometimes make other people get confused. Because when we do internet, we find new culture that we can't feel it before. That's why we need to decide to have good etiquette during communication on internet. Before we learn deep about etiquette, let's we learn what Netiquette is.

What is Netiquette?
The word netiquette is a combination of 'net' (from internet) and 'etiquette'. The rules of etiquette that apply when communicating over computer networks, especially the Internet or respecting other users' view and displaying common courtesy refers to Netiquette. Without having Netiquette, people will easily misunderstand what other people meaning. So  we need to respect the other people as well as we respect to norms.

Like the network itself, these developing norms remain in a state of flux and vary from community to community. The points most strongly emphasized about Usenet netiquette often include using simple electronic, and avoiding multiposting, spam posting, hijacking a discussion thread, and other techniques used to minimize the effort required to read a post or a thread.
here a short video about  Netiquette.

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Mind-Mapping : Online EFL Resources

EFL or English as a Foreign Language is a study using English as an additional language by non-native speakers in countries where English is generally not a local medium of communication. It's also known as English as a second language (ESL), English as a foreign language (EFL), English as an additional language (EAL), or English for speakers of other languages (ESOL).

 How to design EFL materials???
Design or create EFL materials is not easy and we need to adapt some materials that fulfilled students' needs. To make the materials can be applicable in classroom, we need to be more active and creative. To sum up, Our group made an online EFL resources with providing the links and we made it as mind-mapping by using pooplet (

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Timeline : History and Development of CALL

Levy defined that CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning is as "the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning". CALL embraces a wide range of information and communications technology applications and approaches to teaching and learning foreign languages, from the "traditional" drill-and-practice programs that characterised CALL in the 1960s and 1970s to more recent manifestations of CALL, e.g. as used in a Virtual learning environment and Web-based distance learning .

The term CALI (computer-assisted language instruction) was in use before CALL, reflecting its origins as a subset of the general term CAI (computer-assisted instruction). CALI fell out of favour among language teachers, however, as it appeared to imply a teacher-centred approach (instructional), whereas language teachers are more inclined to prefer a student-centred approach, focusing on learning rather than instruction. CALL began to replace CALI in the early 1980s (Davies & Higgins 1982: p. 3) and it is now incorporated into the names of the growing number of professional associations worldwide.
The current philosophy of CALL puts a strong emphasis on student-centred materials that allow learners to work on their own. Such materials may be structured or unstructured, but they normally embody two important features: interactive learning and individualised learning. CALL is essentially a tool that helps teachers to facilitate the language learning process. It can be used to reinforce what has already been learned in the classroom or as a remedial tool to help learners who require additional support.

To ease our understanding about the History and development of CALL, here the timeline created by an online Web-Based timeline creator using 

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Monday, December 14, 2015

Teaching Listening by Using Podcasts : Cultural shock

As we know, one of main skill in learning English is listening. By listening, learner can comprehend and understand when they have conversation. As a teacher, we should choose sufficient and effective tool to teach listening. one of tool that we can use in teaching listening is podcast.

Do you know what is podcasts? Podcasts is a digital media that have some episodes. it could be form of audio, video, PDF or ePub files subscribed and downloaded through web syndication or streamed online to a computer or mobile device.The word is a portmanteau of "(i)Pod" and "broadcast.". Sometimes, podcast is used by teacher to examine and train students' ability in their listening skill. Most of teachers try to experience to use this tool to help students comprehend what the speakers said through conversation on podcast. Podcast also can enrich students vocabularies and help their pronunciation. Few weeks ago, my group created a podcast to exercise our listening skill. Here, we decided to listen streaming. So, we uploaded to soundcloud. Hopefully you enjoy and help you to increase your listening skill.  Now, you can listen the audio below
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

About Writer

Hi everyone. Before I tell you reason, why I create this blog let me introduce myself first. My name is Muklas. I come from Mojokerto. I'm an English Education Department student. I really have impression why I choose English as my favorite subject. English is an international language. We know that by learning English, we can communicate with other. Nowdays, people must speak english, If we don't learn english we can't explore knowledge that used english. The simplest example, when we try to operate technology such a laptop or computer, we read the guidance how to use laptop well. most of the guidances  is written by English. If we don't  learn English, we can't understand and explore knowledge in every aspect in our life.

In this 7th semester, I take an online class called as CALL 2. Before that I also took CALL 1. When I took This lecture, I learn and practice how to make media using softweres such as Macromedia Flash, Hot Potatoes, Alice, etc. Let's talk what CALL is. According to Levy (1997) said CALL is as the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning. By using computer or technology, it expected to help learners in acquiring any knowledge, especially English. We can't pretend that technology must be inserted in education classroom. In this semester I obligated to learn many things that have correlation between technology and education in EFL. They are:

  1. Online Learning Strategies & Nettiquette.
  2. Socialization (Schoology)
  3. Technology in Education
  4. CALL and its Development History
  5. Online Resources for EFL teachers- Searching and organizing information on the Internet
  6. Blogs in Teaching
  7. Teaching Integrated Language Skills: A Webquest activity
  8. Technology and The Teaching of Reading: Comics authoring
  9. Teaching Writing: Collaborative writing using online collaborative tool
  10. Teaching Speaking : Video Conference
  11. Teaching Listening: Podcasting
  12. Class Management
  13. Self-Directed Professional Development
All those topic will be show on my posting. So, visit my blog for little explanation and see my own work on my blog. If you don't mind, please leave a comment. Thank you and see you on next posting.....

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